
Welcome, friend!

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here – a place all about the little things that fill my cup each day.

Along with a morning dose of coffee, our cups are filled with the adventures of life. While it’s not always the adventure we planned for, I believe there is something good in every ounce of our cups. We have a cup for a reason, and focusing on the little things we often look past can actually make a big difference in all areas of our lives. Whether it’s a good conversation, a relaxing run, a fabulous find, or just a delicious cup of coffee, here’s to finding the daily sunshine to fill your cup!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a List!

Happy Thursday, and happy weather wishes to you! It's been absolutely gorgeous in Arkansas the past week, so I hope spring is officially greeting everyone with its presence and is here to stay! It's about time, isn't it?

I'm a big believer in lists! Writing things down is a proven way to accomplish what you want to do, and I see this play out in my work day all the time. You may do this, you may not, but if you're on Facebook or any other social media outlet, you've probably seen the popular and over-abundant posts about lists. There are lists out there for everything right now, and I found one that has inspired me to make a list not just for work, but for life!

Nearing my late twenties, this list really resonated with me! There are some things that are common sense, but I think they are all important pieces to living a happy life and filling your cup!

I'm in the process of writing my "real to-do list" and hope you're inspired to write one, too! I know filling my cup is one item I will add :)


May your cup (and list) always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


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