
Welcome, friend!

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here – a place all about the little things that fill my cup each day.

Along with a morning dose of coffee, our cups are filled with the adventures of life. While it’s not always the adventure we planned for, I believe there is something good in every ounce of our cups. We have a cup for a reason, and focusing on the little things we often look past can actually make a big difference in all areas of our lives. Whether it’s a good conversation, a relaxing run, a fabulous find, or just a delicious cup of coffee, here’s to finding the daily sunshine to fill your cup!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a List!

Happy Thursday, and happy weather wishes to you! It's been absolutely gorgeous in Arkansas the past week, so I hope spring is officially greeting everyone with its presence and is here to stay! It's about time, isn't it?

I'm a big believer in lists! Writing things down is a proven way to accomplish what you want to do, and I see this play out in my work day all the time. You may do this, you may not, but if you're on Facebook or any other social media outlet, you've probably seen the popular and over-abundant posts about lists. There are lists out there for everything right now, and I found one that has inspired me to make a list not just for work, but for life!

Nearing my late twenties, this list really resonated with me! There are some things that are common sense, but I think they are all important pieces to living a happy life and filling your cup!

I'm in the process of writing my "real to-do list" and hope you're inspired to write one, too! I know filling my cup is one item I will add :)


May your cup (and list) always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Random Act of Kindness!

While I'm well-aware I only posted 3 times in the month of February, I have no clue where the month went! Time is sure flying by incredibly fast, and there have been some wonderful things that have filled my cup over the last few weeks that I'm excited to share with you in some upcoming posts :)...but today, I'm going to keep it short and sweet with something that always fills my cup -- a random act of kindness.

I think the logic behind a random act of kindness is so pure and loving that its action is often overlooked by getting caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle (I know this is the case for me sometimes). We actually encounter these simple deeds and share them, too, a lot more than we think, and today, I was reminded of that!

We've had another round of snow in Northwest Arkansas, just as you may be experiencing right now as well. There have been closings and delays because of the hazardous road conditions, and since I'm not one to chance driving on ice/snow, I just decided I was going to brave the cold and wait on the bus to ride it to work today.

In the midst of getting ready to go, I got a call from a co-worker asking if I needed a ride to work. I unfortunately wasn't ready at the time so I couldn't take her up on the offer, but the act of kindness from her still made me smile while I was having to actually walk to work because the buses weren't even running today (oops...I got a laugh and some exercise out of that one)!

While it was a small thing, taking 1 second out of her day to offer and help me put a big amount of love in my cup today, and I'm so grateful for people who are sharing kindness with others. It doesn't take a lot for a random act of kindness to happen -- it can be holding the door open for someone, paying it forward when you're in a drive-thru, or simply giving someone a smile while you pass them wherever you are. The thing that I love about random acts of kindness is that they have a chain reaction, and what you start from sharing the love with one person could actually make it all the way around the world from the people that one person shares it with! Something so small can make such a big difference...and definitely your cup full :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!
