
Welcome, friend!

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here – a place all about the little things that fill my cup each day.

Along with a morning dose of coffee, our cups are filled with the adventures of life. While it’s not always the adventure we planned for, I believe there is something good in every ounce of our cups. We have a cup for a reason, and focusing on the little things we often look past can actually make a big difference in all areas of our lives. Whether it’s a good conversation, a relaxing run, a fabulous find, or just a delicious cup of coffee, here’s to finding the daily sunshine to fill your cup!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Inspiration!

Hello November! Where has the time gone? Even though I'm through with grad school, I still operate on the semester timeline at work...and it seems like we JUST started the fall semester a few days ago. The calendar (and temperature -- brrr!) say it's definitely November though, so what better way to start a new month than with some inspiration to fill your cup!

I love quotes, and this is one I received not too long ago from The Foundation for a Better Life:

Making-A-Difference is to make a positive change in the world.
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“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.”
Libba Bray (born 1964);


It made me think "what am I doing?". Any gesture, person, or moment -- big or small -- can be all it takes to make a now, the question is "what am I waiting for?".

We have opportunities each day to make a positive impact in someone's life, our communities, and the world. Whether it be volunteering at a nursing home, posting a simple hello on a friend's facebook wall, or holding the door open for someone, I hope you can fill your cup with inspiration to make a difference...because one moment is all you need :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a little bit of Fear!

Well, hello! It's no surprise when I say it's been a while, but I'm wholeheartedly back and ready to continue sharing the little happies of life that fill my cup!

To move forward with this, I've had to be honest with myself about why I neglected it for so long. Starting this blog was a dream and fear of mine at the same time. Over the past few months, I've had many things that have filled my cup every day, but because of the lack of time I've had to contribute to sharing my cup-filling moments with you, that fear has grown into a feeling of failure. You may feel this way about some things, too -- you've started a new experience, you're excited, it's going fantastic, and then...well, life happens and you have to decide how this new experience fits into all of it. When this happens to me and I let it fall under other things, that small fear of starting something new becomes scarier and scarier...and then I just stop. But, not anymore, and you don't have to either!

Life is busy, but it's also too short to live with thoughts of "what if" and regrets because we're scared. A quote that comes to mind when I think about this is from the movie Chasing Liberty with Mandy Moore (now considered an oldie, I'm sure, but definitely a goodie J), when she said: "The things you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile" -- and isn't this so true after we actually conquer a fear? 

While we feel fear for different reasons (and we need to listen to what our gut instinct is about that feeling), if it's something we know is happening because we're honestly scared, then what good are we really doing ourselves? Whether it's applying for a new job, starting a conversation with a new person, moving to a new place, trying out a new hobby -- the list could go on and on -- I think it's good to be a little afraid every now and then. That tells me we're passionate about what it is, and while things may not work out the way we originally hoped (because I know there's really no possible way I can post on my blog every day J), life is about knowing that we're living it every day to the fullest. And taking on that feeling of fear will help us do just that! 

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love (and a little bit of fear, too)!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Cabury Mini Eggs!

Doesn't this picture just say it all...

The amount of joy I find inside this precious package is absolutely too much to describe! Joe would say I could turn into one of these eggs because I eat so many of them...but seriously, they're just so delicious! And while the excitement of finding them fills my cup every year, I have to be careful about how much I actually fill my cup with them because I probably would turn into one if I ate as many of them as I'd like to! This goes for all Easter candy though! I think there's something about the color of pastels in the Easter candy isle that entice people to crave it more than anything else, or maybe the sensible shape of the eggs. Whatever it is, I hope you filled your cup with one of my favorite parts about Easter :)

My most favorite part about this day is remembering the reason we all even have a cup -- because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again so we can live an eternal life with Him. While I talk about the little things we find in our lives that fill our cups, it is because of the love from the Lord that we have the blessings we do, and His love is the greatest thing that fills my cup every day!

Happy Easter! I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed it spending time with family, friends, and the many blessings that fill your cup!

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Encouragement.

I know it has been a while...a long while actually. SO sorry -- life has been busy, busy lately, and I've just let time get away from me. It's funny how I have a moment of realizing how full my cup is just when I need it though, especially since things have been so crazy lately, and encouragement is exactly what did that for me today! 

April is always an exciting time because so many wonderful things are coming up! I've been so caught up in thinking about the present and focusing on the challenges that I've overlooked the big picture and forgotten how beautiful life is. I've also been so busy that I just now realized the calendar in my apartment was still on March - HA! I turned the page to April and this is what I found:

What a perfect piece of encouragement that reminded me everything is going to be okay! No matter the current happenings in life, we are experiencing them for a reason and will have something positive come from them -- even if we are so busy juggling what feels like a million things with personal obligations, work, and general everyday to-do's. Taking time to remember this with a little encouragement is so important...because it reminds us how full our cup is :) 

So if you're needing some encouragement to keep on keeping on right now, know that it's all worth it, we won't have anything put on us we can't handle, and we always know what to do...we just have to believe in ourselves! 

I have to give credit to my sweet mother for giving me this calendar! Mommas always know what's best :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a List!

Happy Thursday, and happy weather wishes to you! It's been absolutely gorgeous in Arkansas the past week, so I hope spring is officially greeting everyone with its presence and is here to stay! It's about time, isn't it?

I'm a big believer in lists! Writing things down is a proven way to accomplish what you want to do, and I see this play out in my work day all the time. You may do this, you may not, but if you're on Facebook or any other social media outlet, you've probably seen the popular and over-abundant posts about lists. There are lists out there for everything right now, and I found one that has inspired me to make a list not just for work, but for life!

Nearing my late twenties, this list really resonated with me! There are some things that are common sense, but I think they are all important pieces to living a happy life and filling your cup!

I'm in the process of writing my "real to-do list" and hope you're inspired to write one, too! I know filling my cup is one item I will add :)


May your cup (and list) always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Random Act of Kindness!

While I'm well-aware I only posted 3 times in the month of February, I have no clue where the month went! Time is sure flying by incredibly fast, and there have been some wonderful things that have filled my cup over the last few weeks that I'm excited to share with you in some upcoming posts :)...but today, I'm going to keep it short and sweet with something that always fills my cup -- a random act of kindness.

I think the logic behind a random act of kindness is so pure and loving that its action is often overlooked by getting caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle (I know this is the case for me sometimes). We actually encounter these simple deeds and share them, too, a lot more than we think, and today, I was reminded of that!

We've had another round of snow in Northwest Arkansas, just as you may be experiencing right now as well. There have been closings and delays because of the hazardous road conditions, and since I'm not one to chance driving on ice/snow, I just decided I was going to brave the cold and wait on the bus to ride it to work today.

In the midst of getting ready to go, I got a call from a co-worker asking if I needed a ride to work. I unfortunately wasn't ready at the time so I couldn't take her up on the offer, but the act of kindness from her still made me smile while I was having to actually walk to work because the buses weren't even running today (oops...I got a laugh and some exercise out of that one)!

While it was a small thing, taking 1 second out of her day to offer and help me put a big amount of love in my cup today, and I'm so grateful for people who are sharing kindness with others. It doesn't take a lot for a random act of kindness to happen -- it can be holding the door open for someone, paying it forward when you're in a drive-thru, or simply giving someone a smile while you pass them wherever you are. The thing that I love about random acts of kindness is that they have a chain reaction, and what you start from sharing the love with one person could actually make it all the way around the world from the people that one person shares it with! Something so small can make such a big difference...and definitely your cup full :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Smile!

If the weekend isn't enough to give you a smile, this post definitely will (with a possible happy tear to your eye, too)! While perusing Facebook during some downtime, I found a story that touched my heart. You may have seen it yourself because it's been pretty popular this past week, but when I found what I'm sharing with you today, it made me love the story even more!

So without further adieu, here's a smile to fill your cup on this Saturday!

Colin, a young boy from Michigan, was diagnosed with a disability similar to Asperger's syndrome. When his mom asked him who he wanted to invite to his 11th birthday, he told his mom he had no friends to invite. When EIU Pikes heard Colin's story about being bullied in school for his disability, they took matters into their own hands by sending him a birthday check and this letter. Way to go guys! #ProudPike Find out more about Colin's story here:

*Story and photo credit given to The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Facebook Page

Having worked for my sorority, I'm a huge proponent of Greek organizations and their efforts to make a difference in the world. This specific instance is particularly special because Joe is a Pike, so we enjoyed sharing this smile together!

This story shows me how easy it is to make a difference every day. Something as simple as writing a happy note on someone's Facebook wall may start a chain reaction to change the world. The note the Pike chapter wrote to Colin even inspires me, so just think of all the peoples' cups we can fill by a simple act of kindness J

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Beautiful Morning!

Happy Tuesday, and a beautiful one it is! I hope your week has started off wonderfully and that your cup is overflowing, which is exactly what mine is doing this morning because it absolutely gorgeous here right now! Not so much the scenery, as everything is still a little dead and recovering from the winter weather, but the weather is perfect!

I love exercising and do it for many reasons, but this morning, I just went on a 30-minute run for the simple pleasure of enjoying the wonderful weather. It has been quite sometime I've been able to run outside because it's been so cold, so I wasn't sure my stamina could last for a full run. When I started off, that uncertainty left me because I just decided to take my time and soak in the sweetness around me. Starting off the day by focusing on the beauty and simple pleasures around me was just what I needed to fill my cup today, and I hope you get to enjoy a little of this day's beauty as well, no matter what time of day it is!

I know that some people are still experiencing the woes of winter, but know that beautiful mornings are on their way for you! Until then, I'm sending some sunshine and warm wishes your way!

Something we can all enjoy -- honeydew melon is pretty much perfect right now! I bought one at Wal-Mart this past week and was so excited when I realized how ripe it was cutting it up.

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If you like melon, this is something that can fill your cup and add to your beautiful mornings right now :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Puff Pancake!

Well, I must say that it's been awhile (again). The busy schedule over the last few weeks has made me neglect my new hobby, as well as, focusing on what fills my cup. I've been able to tell this too, so I'm very thankful for a snow day that has allowed me to take a breath, recharge, and have some me time! I think it's important to take some time for yourself every now and then, and when I do, it usually always involves a new cooking venture! So brace comes the first recipe post!

I love to cook and love finding new recipes to try. While I also love to eat, I unfortunately can't eat anything with gluten in it. I found out I had a gluten allergy over 2 years ago, but luckily, almost anything can be made gluten-free! My favorite things to try are sweets and breakfast foods, so today, I combined the best of both worlds and filled my cup with scrumptious chocolate chip pancakes! 

The recipe I used is a version of german puff pancakes, and what drew me to it was making them in the oven -- so simple! Since I'm still making meals for just myself right now (although Joe is a big fan of all of my gluten-free food when we visit each other J), I cut the recipe in half and added some flavor of my own! Here's my chocolate chip pancake recipe:

And here are my step-by-step (well there are a few missing) pictures...along with my amateur photography skills!

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You can make this recipe with any kind of flour or
additional flavors - more pb, bananas, blueberries, etc.!
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Going in the oven....
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...and voilà! The pancake will definitely "puff" up!
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I ate mine
(or the "whole" pancake rather because
there isn't anything left J)
with more peanut butter, half a banana, and syrup!

You can double the recipe as many times as you want to make as much as you want, and I promise, these pancakes are delicious, satisfying, and so easy to make! If you try the recipe, please let me know how it turns out -- it will definitely be something that fills my cup!

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Soul Sister!

Ever since I joined Chi Omega, I've been blessed with an endless amount of women who I can truly say are my soul Sisters! The things you hear about being in a sorority and finding your friends for life is so very true, and I get reminded of this every time I hear the song "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train.

While this song is about a relationship, it makes me think about the very first thing I did with my fellow Chi Omega National Consultants, which was share the song that was the soundtrack to our lives. Mine was "Footloose" (of course!), but one of the consultants chose "Hey, Soul Sister". I hadn't even heard it until then, and this song has made me smile ever since!

I was blessed to have an hour-long conversation over the weekend with my Sister who introduced me to this song, and it reminded me of how my many soul Sisters fill my cup. From my Chi Omega pledge class to the women I worked with as a consultant, we live all over the place. But, regardless of how long it's been since we've seen each other or talked, we always pick right back up from where we left off. There have been lots of laughs, tears, new experiences, and many more to come (lots of weddings coming up J) we all share together that have filled my cup so full! 

Some of my favorite Soul Sister moments!
The Chi Omega Choir!
Pledge class picture to celebrate Lauren's engagement!
Chi Omega Consultant Christmas party!

To all of my soul Sisters out there, this ones for you! Thank you for always filling my cup!

Whether you're in a sorority or not, I hope you have a song that makes you think of your friends for a lifetime and that you get to let them know how much they fill your cup every day!

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Reminder!

Hello, hello! It has been a busy past few days, hence my absent presence here. So many things are going on right now that I've felt a little overwhelmed this week. It's natural to have moments of uncertainty and feelings of nervousness -- we're human! But, there are simple reminders in our daily lives that let us know everything is going to be okay, and I had one of those moments that has definitely reminded me of how full my cup is!

I was fortunate enough to visit Joe this past weekend! We all know how difficult being away from loved ones can be, so when we get to spend time together, it's so special! This weekend was even more wonderful because we got an extra day together thanks to the 3-day weekend, but this also made saying goodbye even harder than usual! While we've been in a long-distance relationship for over 2 years now and know being apart won't last forever, I still get sad when our time together comes to an end. This being said, I was feeling a little uneasy all-together about how I was going to handle everything I knew I had to be prepared for this week. I woke up Tuesday morning and just needed something to help me get with it. As I was getting ready for work, I picked out a dress that I hadn't worn in a while.  In fact, the last time I wore it was when Joe and I exchanged our Christmas presents. I didn't remember this at the moment I picked it out, but when I laid the dress out to start getting ready, I found the thing I needed to help me get with it -- a bow that Joe used to wrap one of my presents!

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It was such a little thing, but it immediately made me smile and gave me a reminder I needed. A reminder that love is all around, even when we aren't physically able to be with the people we love. A reminder that no matter how long the to-do list is or how unsure we're feeling about something, everything is going to be just fine. A reminder to cherish the little things in life...because they really are important and can make a big difference. A reminder that even though we may not always understand it, everything happens for a reason. A reminder that life is a gift, so challenges and all, there is something good in every day!

I don't know how this little bow that Joe used for my Christmas present got on my dress and stayed on it for over a month, but I know it was there for the simple reminder I needed that my cup is so full. Whether it's a picture, little note, something in nature, an article of clothing, talking to someone, or just the opportunity of waking up each morning, I hope you're able to find little reminders all around you that make your days brighter and hearts happier! It's amazing how we're reminded about how full our cups are just when we need it :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Friday, January 17, 2014

Fill Your Cup...and cut Footloose!

I'm so excited it's Friday with a 3-day weekend ahead! If that's not enough to fill your cup today, here's something that will be sure to bring some sunshine your way --

And cue the dancing because it's Footloose -- my absolute all-time favorite song ever! Anyone who knows me knows this has been the theme song to my life for quite some time now, and whenever I need a break to regroup, a fun workout (because trust me, you can break it down to this song!), or a simple reminder to celebrate life, I always listen to Footloose! Dancing is required; singing is optional...but I promise, it will fill your cup full!

So in preparation for the weekend, I hope you can fill your cup by cutting loose to Footloose!

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a Compliment!

Hello, Wednesday! If you feel like you're having a hard time getting back in the swing of things after the holiday, snow days, start of a new year, or just because it's the middle of the're not alone! Things are back in full force with school and work in my life, which is providing me with multiple things that fill my cup, but I've still been feeling a little out of it as far as getting back on track goes.

One thing I thought would help me with getting things in order was returning a few holiday purchases that didn't work out. While I wasn't too excited about having to brave the mall crowd, I endured the adventure and am so happy I did because I had a very rewarding experience.

The cashier who was accepting my return was actually the one who checked me out when I bought the items. We both remembered each other and started talking about the holidays and how our year had started off. The pleasant conversation was enough to fill my cup from my trip to the mall, but the cashier ended my experience with something that filled my cup to the rim! He asked me how old I was (which is always something I'm not sure is a good question or not J), but as I replied with my age, he said, "You seem very professional."

My simple thank you to him was not enough to express the feelings his little compliment gave me. I have been smiling ever since that moment, and it's because those words from a stranger gave me the boost of reassurance I needed to know that regardless of how I feel things are going...I've got this!

So if you're feeling like I've been, know that you've got this too! We're making it just fine, and we can remind each other of that through kind words. Share a compliment today, and see how it makes you feel! It can completely change someone's outlook on life, brighten their day, and make them pass on that good feeling you gave them to someone else, too! Everyone's cups would be filled this way, which is a rewarding experience for us all J

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...a New Seat!

Happy Monday! It's the start of a new week, and I hope you were able to refill your cup this weekend with some relaxation and sunshine! My experience at church Sunday morning has done enough to already fill my cup to the rim!

Since I travel frequently on the weekends to visit Joe, my family, or friends for celebratory occasions, I don't get to attend church in Fayetteville as much as I'd like to.  When I am able to go, I'm a creature of habit and sit in the same spot in the back. So, when I arrived at church and saw my usual seat was taken, I started feeling a little uneasy about having to sit somewhere new. I looked around for an open seat close by, but there wasn't one in sight. I hesitantly started making my way to the front, feeling very unsure about having to sit by myself in front of so many people. I passed about 10 pews with still no luck, and then at the third row from the front, I found a spot! I first asked a few people around me if that seat was taken, and they replied with, "Yes, it's for you!" That response immediately made me feel better, and as soon as I sat down, conversations with 4 different families around me started happening. It was like that spot had been my seat for as long as I've been attending there, and as the service started, I felt happy that my usual spot had been taken so I could venture out and have new experiences with new people...all that filled my cup.

So wherever you are, whether it's in church, at a work meeting, a volunteer event, or in a class this semester, break out of your habit and take a new seat -- it will be different, but it will fill your cup with new things you wouldn't even know about if you stay in the same place!

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Another Year!

2014 is here, and we all have another year to fill our cups with wonderful things! I could go on and on about new adventures, ideas, and passions for this new year, but this post is about filling your cup with another year because it's exactly what one of my favorite people in the whole world is doing today -- it's Joe's Birthday!!

This sweet man I'm lucky to have in my life has finally caught up with me and is 26! Since Joe and I live in separate places right now, we're not able to be together today to celebrate. However, he knows there is a big celebration in store because I absolutely love birthdays!

Some people dread birthdays, but I look forward to them because birthdays are a day to celebrate YOU! I think it's a big milestone to make it to another year, and I also think that comes with great privilege, meaning you need to embrace the opportunity of another year because you have it for a reason. Whatever you accomplished, survived, or endured, every experience under your belt will help make your next year even better that will let you accomplish more, survive more, and endure more! So when your birthday or someone's in your life comes around, CELEBRATE! It's one time a year when everyone else will be celebrating you, too, and another year will only fill your cup even more!

Since Joe fills my cup so full every single day, this post is in honor of him on his special day! May it be just as special as you are to me, and I hope this year fills your cup with all of the blessings you deserve! 

Happy Birthday, Joe -- I'm so thankful you were born on this day 26 years ago!

May your cup (and your birthday) always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Perspective!

I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone when I say it's cold outside! The polar express that has moved through nearly every state in the country the past few days has been a little bit different ride than the one in the movie to the north pole with hot chocolate. Even though it may look like the north pole where you are, the winter weather has caused a lot of problems for everyone. While chilling temperatures, hazardous road conditions, cabin fever, or hat hair (oh, I've had fun with that the last few days) may have you down, here's a quote to put things in perspective about this winter world we're living in right now:

I received this quote in an email I got from The Foundation for a Better Life, and it seemed so fitting for the current conditions.  Regardless of the weather, we live in a beautiful world...and we can find that in any forecast! So feel the sunshine and see the beauty that's all around us J

I hope you're staying safe and warm wherever you are, and that happiness, joy, love and a little hot chocolate are filling your cup!


Monday, January 6, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Football!

The time of year college football fanatics anticipate all season long is coming to an end tonight (and shouts of joy are heard from women everywhere J).  Whether it's the tailgating, friendly rivalries, a cute new shirt with your favorite team's logo on it, or just the love of the game, sports in general are something that fill many people’s cups. In my opinion, there’s nothing quite like a good game of football to get your cup overflowing, and that's exactly what every Arkansas State University fan is experiencing today!   

The Red Wolves are back-to-back Bowl Champions! This is actually their third year to play in the game, and the Pack fought hard for this win with a final score of 23-20 over the Ball State Cardinals. You can see highlights of the game here, which includes coverage of a trick play many sportscasters said they have never seen pulled off before. Can I get a Howl Yes?!

While many people are getting ready for the big game between Florida State and Auburn (go SEC!), nothing can overshadow the pride my state is feeling right now! I’m always happy to be a Red Wolf, but today, it feels extra-good J.  Congratulations ASU Red Wolves! I know this victory is something that will fill cups for a long time!

The ASU Red Wolves with the Bowl Trophy!
Photo courtesy of

Good luck to both NCAAF teams and all other NFL teams playing the rest of the season – the fact that you’ve made it this far is reason enough to have a very full cup of delight!

What do you do to fill your cup during football season? Do you have a favorite team or bowl game you enjoying watching? I actually love sports, so reading your comments will be fun J

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy and love!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...The First Post!

Hello world! My cup is overflowing right now out of the sheer excitement I have from my very first blog post!

I'm so blessed to share my journeys of life with you that fill my cup each day.  The opportunity to do this is already filling my cup in more ways than one, so I know great things are in store for this new adventure.  

God has given each of us a cup for a reason, and He wants us to embrace the opportunities He provides us with each day to fill it with wonderful things. My hope is for you to find ways you fill your cup through my blog, and for us to rejoice in the experiences this wonderful life brings us together. So grab your cup, take a seat, and join me for a fun, healthy, and definitely delicious dose of the little things that make a big difference in our lives!

Here we go :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!
