
Welcome, friend!

Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here – a place all about the little things that fill my cup each day.

Along with a morning dose of coffee, our cups are filled with the adventures of life. While it’s not always the adventure we planned for, I believe there is something good in every ounce of our cups. We have a cup for a reason, and focusing on the little things we often look past can actually make a big difference in all areas of our lives. Whether it’s a good conversation, a relaxing run, a fabulous find, or just a delicious cup of coffee, here’s to finding the daily sunshine to fill your cup!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Cabury Mini Eggs!

Doesn't this picture just say it all...

The amount of joy I find inside this precious package is absolutely too much to describe! Joe would say I could turn into one of these eggs because I eat so many of them...but seriously, they're just so delicious! And while the excitement of finding them fills my cup every year, I have to be careful about how much I actually fill my cup with them because I probably would turn into one if I ate as many of them as I'd like to! This goes for all Easter candy though! I think there's something about the color of pastels in the Easter candy isle that entice people to crave it more than anything else, or maybe the sensible shape of the eggs. Whatever it is, I hope you filled your cup with one of my favorite parts about Easter :)

My most favorite part about this day is remembering the reason we all even have a cup -- because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again so we can live an eternal life with Him. While I talk about the little things we find in our lives that fill our cups, it is because of the love from the Lord that we have the blessings we do, and His love is the greatest thing that fills my cup every day!

Happy Easter! I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed it spending time with family, friends, and the many blessings that fill your cup!

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fill Your Cup with...Encouragement.

I know it has been a while...a long while actually. SO sorry -- life has been busy, busy lately, and I've just let time get away from me. It's funny how I have a moment of realizing how full my cup is just when I need it though, especially since things have been so crazy lately, and encouragement is exactly what did that for me today! 

April is always an exciting time because so many wonderful things are coming up! I've been so caught up in thinking about the present and focusing on the challenges that I've overlooked the big picture and forgotten how beautiful life is. I've also been so busy that I just now realized the calendar in my apartment was still on March - HA! I turned the page to April and this is what I found:

What a perfect piece of encouragement that reminded me everything is going to be okay! No matter the current happenings in life, we are experiencing them for a reason and will have something positive come from them -- even if we are so busy juggling what feels like a million things with personal obligations, work, and general everyday to-do's. Taking time to remember this with a little encouragement is so important...because it reminds us how full our cup is :) 

So if you're needing some encouragement to keep on keeping on right now, know that it's all worth it, we won't have anything put on us we can't handle, and we always know what to do...we just have to believe in ourselves! 

I have to give credit to my sweet mother for giving me this calendar! Mommas always know what's best :)

May your cup always be filled with happiness, joy, and love!
